FALGA Group Supports Elementary School Education in Jayapura
FALGA Group Supports Elementary School Education in Jayapura
PT. Favor Alpha Omega (FALGA) Group through the GNOTA Foundation has helped 100 foster children, built school facilities and infrastructure and built clean water wells to support student learning activities at SD INPRESS Kuipons Jayapura.
FALGA Group will donate to GNOTA Foster Children at SD Inpress Kuipons, Nimbokrang, Jayapura, as many as 100 elementary school students through the index of hope program, one by one. According to the Index, GNOTA provides school equipment assistance to underprivileged students prone to dropping out of school, such as uniforms, bags, shoes, books, stationery, and various personal needs for children to go to school so that children can focus more on learning. A simple role that is often overlooked but has a significant impact so that children are willing and able to attend school.
In addition to providing an index of hope, FALGA Group assisted in making school wells, repairing school toilets, and also making a place to wash hands before entering class. This program is a sign of FALGA Group’s concern for the importance of clean water and sanitation to support student health and a better environment. Furthermore, because safety when studying is undeniable, FALGA Group also assists in repairing school ceilings so that students can learn without fear of being hit by weathered roofs.
The process of symbolizing and handing over donations by bringing the Principal of SD Inpress Kuipons and one student named Gabriel to go on a field trip and comparative study at an elementary school in Jakarta. The visit of school representatives to Jakarta can add enthusiasm to learning for students, as well as further the development of the school.
Thanks to FALGA Group for their kindness and generosity in supporting students from underprivileged families to complete primary Education for Indonesian children.
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